All resources for Online Community Engagement for PVE

In this section you will find all the resources stored by this Hub. See instructions on how to use this page below:

1) Resources: appearing in white boxes, resources are shown in order of relevance (as indicated by % number). They also include the following features:
– Tags: for further filtering and sorting by categories from the i) diagnostic tool (in button text) and ii) keywords (in hyperlink)
– Arrow icon: to access resource
– Folder icon: to save resource to folder

2) Guidance cards: appearing in blue boxes, they offer guidance and background information on the topics you selected in the diagnostic tool.

3) Menu of icons on the right: additional functionalities to explore

You may download all the guidance information in one Guidance Document, where you will find all the guidance for setting up your OCEA for each type and phase of activity, type of resource, and target audience.

Evaluating your OCEA

Here are points to look out for when evaluating OCEAs.

The great thing about an OCEA is that your participants are already in a digital environment that can be used to survey them. There is no need to collect their home address and send them a survey in the mail, just send them a link at the end of your OCEA with your survey.

  • Pre-OCEA Surveys

For some impact or change measurements, you might want to get a pre-OCEA assessment of your participants. If this is the case, think about combining your pre-OCEA survey with your enrollment procedure, this way you can guarantee that all participants fill it out.

  • Net Promoter Score

Net promoter score (NPS) is a measure of satisfaction that has become a standard across multiple industries. Use it to easily gauge how your OCEA compares to others.

Monitoring & Evaluation
Monitoring & Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation in E-Learning

This article provides five insights into M&E practices for E-learning based on the experience of Soliya and the William Davidson Insitute

Monitoring & Evaluation
Monitoring & Evaluation

Remote Developmental Evaluation: A Roundtable for Funders and Practitioners

This roundtable discussion aims to provide guidance for remote developmental evaluation for people with a background in embedded evaluation practices.

Monitoring & Evaluation

Remote Developmental Evaluation: A Guide for Funders and Practitioners

A guide for moving the embedded practices of Developmental Evaluation online, commisioned in response to COVID-19

Monitoring & Evaluation

M&E Thursday Talks

This inititative by DM&E provides new talks on M&E every Thursday, many of which are specific to online M&E

Monitoring & Evaluation

How to Calculate Net Promoter Score

This resource provides an introduction to Net Promoter Scores and provides a formula that can be used to calculate this score

Monitoring & Evaluation

Net Promoter Score Calculation – Surveymonkey

Instructions on how to calculate a Net Promoter Score, with information on how this could be done using SurveyMonkey

Digital Tools


A widely used tool. In the free survey version, you will be limited to 10 questions, 40 respondents per survey and no possibility to export your data

Research & reports
How-to guides
Monitoring & Evaluation

Monitoring and Accountability Practices for Remotely Managed Projects

This publication examines how remote monitoring is currently being utilized and the key challenges associated with it.

Research & reports

Designing and Implementing Virtual Exchange – A Collection of Case Studies

[These 19 case studies represent] real-life pedagogical practices that can be of interest to educators looking for ideas and inspiration

1. Type of OCEA
2. Phase of your OCEA
3. Type of resource
4 Theoretical or hands-on support
5. Your audience
6. Your region

In this section you can find the resources on this platform. See instructions on how to use this page below:

  • Resources: Are in white boxes for resources shown in order of relevance (as indicated by % number). They also include the following features:
    • Tags: For further filtering and sorted by categories from the diagnostic tool (in button text) and keywords (in hyperlink)
    • To access resource
    • To save resource to folder to access later
  • Guidance: Are in blue boxes for guidance on topics you selected in the diagnostic tool.
    • You can also download all the guidance information in one <a href=”/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/OCEA-Guidance-UNDP.pdf”>Guidance Document</a>, where you will find all the guidance for setting up your OCEA for each type and phase of activity, type of resource and support, as well as audience.
  • Menu of icons on the right: Additional functionalities

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