All resources for Online Community Engagement for PVE

In this section you will find all the resources stored by this Hub. See instructions on how to use this page below:

1) Resources: appearing in white boxes, resources are shown in order of relevance (as indicated by % number). They also include the following features:
– Tags: for further filtering and sorting by categories from the i) diagnostic tool (in button text) and ii) keywords (in hyperlink)
– Arrow icon: to access resource
– Folder icon: to save resource to folder

2) Guidance cards: appearing in blue boxes, they offer guidance and background information on the topics you selected in the diagnostic tool.

3) Menu of icons on the right: additional functionalities to explore

You may download all the guidance information in one Guidance Document, where you will find all the guidance for setting up your OCEA for each type and phase of activity, type of resource, and target audience.

Research & reports

Online Peace-buildign Dialogue: Opportunities & Challenges Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Emergence

This research explores the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on dialogue for peacebuilding.

Research & reports

Strengthening the digital dimensions of tolerance and inclusion

The Partnerships for Tolerant, Inclusive Bangladesh (PTIB) program responded against harms coming from the Covid-19 pandemic through a combination of highly focused research, monitoring, citizen engagement and targeted outreach.

Research & reports

Media and Information Literacy to Prevent Violent Extremism

UNDP Jordan developed a training manual on Media and Information Literacy to Prevent Violent Extremism.

Research & reports

Implementing your OCEA

Types of resources for use in the implementation phase include:

These are resources that provide practical guidance and steps to take when implementing different types of OCEAs or interventions. Keep in mind the information and vision that you gained in the design phase when assessing which are feasible or appropriate for your specific context. 

Many of the reports in this hub contain detailed examples of implemented activities, the outcomes of those activities, and advice for other practitioners. These can help you follow in the footsteps of successful practitioners while not repeating their mistakes. 

Choosing the most suitable digital tool for your OCEA and your audience is a vital step in the design phase. In the implementation phase, you need the know-how to recognize and utilize the different features of these tools and tailor them to your activities. Under this section you can find guides and links to different platforms and digital tools you can use for your OCEAs

Facilitation tools include digital tools, activities, design tools, and guides. There are resources on online facilitation and the specific requirements of facilitating in a virtual space. If you have significant experience facilitating in-person activities we still advise looking up resources on online facilitation, as some of the tools and skills required for effective online facilitation may be new to you. 

How-to guides

5 Steps to a Successful Consultation Process in the Context of COVID-19

A look at a five-step approach to holding meaningful and successful virtual consultations with stakeholders

How-to guides

Five Key Takeaways for Conducting Stakeholder Consultations Online

Presents key takeaways from research into online stakeholder consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic

How-to guides

Stakeholder Engagement

This guidance note presents an introduction to and some of the key principles of stakeholder engagement

How-to guides

How to Engage My Stakeholders Virtually

Includes an infograph that provides best practices for engaging both pre-existing and new stakeholders virtually

How-to guides

Communication strategy for stakeholder engagement

This article contains five tips for an effective communication strategy for stakeholder engagement

Digital Tools
Facilitation tools & activities

Intro to Facilitating “Hybrid” Online Groups

This short guide helps facilitators be aware of the special challenges that come with facilitating hybrid groups and introduces how to overcome them

Facilitation tools & activities
Facilitation tools & activities
Facilitation tools & activities
Facilitation tools & activities
Facilitation tools & activities

Four Principles for Maintaining Human Connections Online

Four principles from IREX to help practitioners avoid losing human connection when making the shift to online spaces

Facilitation tools & activities

Dialogue Knowledge Hub: Dialogue Voices

A resource containing short videos explaining dialogue initiatives (both online and offline formats) aimed towards interreligious cohesion

Facilitation tools & activities
Research & reports

Barriers to Use of Telepsychiatry: Clinicians as Gatekeepers

This article raises some of the concerns from clinicians perspective with telepsychiatry.

Facilitation tools & activities
How-to guides
How-to guides

Four Key Issues to Consider for Effective Online Dialogue

This short article lists four issues that facilitators can consider when in the design process of an online dialogue

Digital Tools


For facilitators wanting to create visual assets for their online workshops or participants working together on new materials during a workshop

Research & reports
How-to guides

The Organiser’s Activity Book

A how-to guide for evaluating data practices and creating a data policy, whether within a workshop or alongside a longer-term organisational review

Research & reports

Digital Technologies and Mediation in Armed Conflict Report

This report analyzes the implications and opportunities for mediation with relation to our growing relationship with digital technologies

Research & reports

Conversion of a Psychiatric Clinic to a 100% Virtual Telepsychiatry Clinic

This column describes the tranfdormation to telepsychiatry in reaction to COVID-19

How-to guides

Remote Humanitarian Management and Programming: Guidance Note

This note guides practitioners on how to adapt and think about remote management and provides a snapshot of key takeaways

How-to guides
How-to guides
Facilitation tools & activities

On-line facilitation in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

Provides information for facilitators working in the field of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support who are switching to facilitating online trainings

Research & reports


Shed[s] light on how civic space is evolving in the face of digital transformation including in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic

Research & reports

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Peacebuilding Sector

Examines the changes brought to peacebuilding by COVID-19 when direct intergroup contact is restricted, and reflects on the principles of practice

Facilitation tools & activities
Facilitation tools & activities

Strong Emotions in Online Community Engagement – Facilitation Tips and Reminders (Sharing Perspectives Foundation)

Contains advice and facilitation practices to handle strong emotions in both offline and online settings, including practical online facilitation tips

Facilitation tools & activities

Empowering Youth Through Online Community Engagement (Sharing Perspectives Foundation)

A short guide to youth empowerment in OCEAs, based on a decade of experience with designing and implementing OCEAs for youth

Facilitation tools & activities

Tips for Online Facilitation (Sharing Perspectives Foundation)

Pro tips for leading activities, preparing for a session, physical presentation, non-verbal participation, and online facilitation in general

Facilitation tools & activities

Online Dialogue Activity Bank – Virtual Activities Useful for Online Community Engagement (Sharing Perspectives Foundation)

A bank of online activities that contains information on which activities are suited for specific purposes and instructions on how to implement them

How-to guides

Promoting Active Participation & Ownership in Online Spaces – Facilitation Online Community Engagement (Sharing Perspectives Foundation)

For facilitators looking to build effective group dynamics, relationships, and group ownership, with tips on how to deal with disengaged groups

1. Type of OCEA
2. Phase of your OCEA
3. Type of resource
4 Theoretical or hands-on support
5. Your audience
6. Your region

In this section you can find the resources on this platform. See instructions on how to use this page below:

  • Resources: Are in white boxes for resources shown in order of relevance (as indicated by % number). They also include the following features:
    • Tags: For further filtering and sorted by categories from the diagnostic tool (in button text) and keywords (in hyperlink)
    • To access resource
    • To save resource to folder to access later
  • Guidance: Are in blue boxes for guidance on topics you selected in the diagnostic tool.
    • You can also download all the guidance information in one <a href=”/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/OCEA-Guidance-UNDP.pdf”>Guidance Document</a>, where you will find all the guidance for setting up your OCEA for each type and phase of activity, type of resource and support, as well as audience.
  • Menu of icons on the right: Additional functionalities

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