All resources for Online Community Engagement for PVE
In this section you will find all the resources stored by this Hub. See instructions on how to use this page below:
1) Resources: appearing in white boxes, resources are shown in order of relevance (as indicated by % number). They also include the following features:
– Tags: for further filtering and sorting by categories from the i) diagnostic tool (in button text) and ii) keywords (in hyperlink)
– Arrow icon: to access resource
– Folder icon: to save resource to folder
2) Guidance cards: appearing in blue boxes, they offer guidance and background information on the topics you selected in the diagnostic tool.
3) Menu of icons on the right: additional functionalities to explore
You may download all the guidance information in one Guidance Document, where you will find all the guidance for setting up your OCEA for each type and phase of activity, type of resource, and target audience.
Digital Process Design & Facilitation for Mediation
This ‘Digital Process Design and Facilitation’ course offers a set of emerging good practices that can help you design and deliver mediation activities using online platforms and tools. The course is designed by the United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs’ (UN DPPA) Mediation Support Unit, Build Up, the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, and Tandemic.
Media and Information Literacy to Prevent Violent Extremism
UNDP Jordan developed a training manual on Media and Information Literacy to Prevent Violent Extremism.
Community Dialogue to Prevent Violent Extremism
UNDP Jordan developed a training manuals on community dialogue to prevent violent extremism.
Online Monster Manual
A comprehensive manual with 80+ tools and activities for making online events more interactive and engaging
Leading Groups Online
This guide presents tips, tools and resources for leading online groups and transitioning from offline to online facilitation
An app that could be used in live OCEAs or for brainstorming/planning as a team
Soliya Facilitation Training
A facilitator training that specializes in cross-cultural dialogue on virtual platforms, and bestows a certificate upon completion
Digital Process Design & Facilitation for Mediation
This course outlines best practices for designing and facilitating mediation activities using digital tools
How to Use Tech Tools to Deliver Training and Mentoring Remotely
This course provides tools and strategies for conducting trainings and dialogue online
Gather Town
A gamified video conferencing platform that includes whiteboard and collaboration capabilities
The Virtual Training Team Train the Trainer Program
This program for trainers consists of four skillbuilding workshops and two practical masterclasses
The Virtual Training Team Train the Trainer Program for Facilitators
This program for facilitators consists of four skillbuilding workshops and two practical masterclasses
Train the Trainer Virtual: Virtual Training Master Class
A course designed to help trainers lead effective online trainings
Online Teaching for Educators: Development and Delivery Professional Certificate
An online training course helping participants to plan, design, and deliver effective online courses and programs
Online Facilitation Masterclass
This masterclass is designed to build online facilitation and workshop design skills
Online Training Series
The Online Training Series includes a variety of relevant online public workshops
Virtual Training & Facilitation Certificate
Trains facilitators and trainers of synchronous online events to improve their skills, providing them with tools, templates, and simulation practice
Designing Community-Based Dialogue
A course meant to advance conflict transformation and peacebuilding at the community level
Intro to Facilitating “Hybrid” Online Groups
This short guide helps facilitators be aware of the special challenges that come with facilitating hybrid groups and introduces how to overcome them
Strategies for Facilitating “Hybrid” Groups Online
This short guide provides strategies and tips for facilitating groups in which participants join from both individual devices and a shared device
Moodle LMS
A popular, customisable LMS available for free. They also offer paid options for hosting/and or support, starting at $110 per year.
Blackboard Learn
This LMS comes with a host of services provided. It is one of the more expensive on the market
Capterra – LMS Software
This site contains a list of over 1000 LMS options, with the option of filtering them by price, tech requirements, and number of users
Google Classroom
A simple and user-friendly LMS with free and paid editions starting at $3 per student per year.
GoSkills LMS
An LMS recommended for training small to medium-sized teams
D2L Brightspace LMS
A popular LMS, used in education and work environments. Price is unspecified.
Canvas LMS – Instructure
One of the most popular LMS platforms, for use in education or business. Price is unspecified.
iSpring LMS
An LMS specializing in training. Price is from $33.84 to $43.92 per year depending on the number of active users.
Telepsychiatry Toolkit
APA’s Telepsychiatry Toolkit is an evolving resource for members who want to learn about the various aspects of telepsychiatry.
Adapting Your Practice: Learning To Do Telemental Health
Includes general and clinical recommendations, practical tips and reminders.
On-line facilitation in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
Provides information for facilitators working in the field of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support who are switching to facilitating online trainings
Media WISE: Empowering Responsible Religious Leadership in the Digital Age
A training guide to empower religious leaders to navigate the internet
Strong Emotions in Online Community Engagement – Facilitation Tips and Reminders (Sharing Perspectives Foundation)
Contains advice and facilitation practices to handle strong emotions in both offline and online settings, including practical online facilitation tips
Tips for Online Facilitation (Sharing Perspectives Foundation)
Pro tips for leading activities, preparing for a session, physical presentation, non-verbal participation, and online facilitation in general
Online Dialogue Activity Bank – Virtual Activities Useful for Online Community Engagement (Sharing Perspectives Foundation)
A bank of online activities that contains information on which activities are suited for specific purposes and instructions on how to implement them
Promoting Active Participation & Ownership in Online Spaces – Facilitation Online Community Engagement (Sharing Perspectives Foundation)
For facilitators looking to build effective group dynamics, relationships, and group ownership, with tips on how to deal with disengaged groups
From Offline to Online Community Engagement for Prevention of Violent Extremism (Sharing Perspectives Foundation)
A concise guide to bringing offline community engagement online, with instructions on how to design, plan, and structure an OCEA.